





Email: china@classplash.cn


“令人惊讶的是,它真的帮助了我的孩子在学校学习竖笛。她很喜欢它。她从8岁开始就开始用这个应用软件,现在她已经10岁了,她仍然喜欢用它吹竖笛,但由于新冠肺炎和封锁,她不再在学校玩了。 ”

“It’s amazing it’s really helped my kid with recorder at school, she loves it and she’s had this app since she was 8 years old and now she’s turning 10, she still lovest it and play recorder but because of lockdown and covid-19 she doesn’t play at school. “

Shaun(母亲)关于笛子大师,美国 Shaun (mother) about Flute Master, USA


“This is the best app for learning and teaching music composition! Great interoperability with other tools that use the defacto import/export format standards.”

伊斯梅尔(教师)关于科尼龙作曲家,葡萄牙 Ismael (teacher) about Cornelius Composer, Portugal


“Nice and intuitive app to write, save and share music sheet. Works very well and you can listen to what you’re writing on the fly.”

巴斯(音乐家)关于科尼龙作曲家,德国 Bass (musician) about Cornelius Composer, Germany


“This little gem is so flexible and has a lot of cool features. The ability to generate solfege singing and also color code the notes is a fantastic ear training aid for me. I have been importing jazz solos into it for sight singing.”

雷(用户)关于科尼龙作曲家,西班牙 Ray (user) about Cornelius Composer, Spain


I work as a teacher at a private music institute and this works wonders for my young students. It has really reinforced beat and helped improve my students’ reading. It’s great for all levels of young students. Having the difficulty adjustment is awesome as well to help those that need a bit more help. Love it so much!

约翰逊(老师)关于节奏部落,加拿大 Johnson (teacher) about Rhythmic Village, Canada


I bought Rhythmic Village for my 8-year-old daughter to give her a musical boost and I would do it again. My daughter loves to play through the levels. A clear buy recommendation from us.

乔娃(父亲)关于节奏部落,意大利 Giova (father) about Rhythmic Village, Italy


In my opinion, it brings a high level of motivation for children. Thanks to the well-thought-out app, a sense of achievement is practically guaranteed. The sense of rhythm is also trained very well.

劳丽娜(老师)关于笛子大师,巴西 Laurina (teacher) about Flute Master, Brazil


Rhythmic Village is simply loads of fun! Beginners can explore the world of rhythm, learn about drum and percussion instruments, and learn to read rhythmic notes easily. Advanced players can improve their rhythmic skills through the higher levels of the entertaining app.

Axel Mikolajczak(STICKS杂志主编)关于节奏部落,德国 Axel Mikolajczak (Editor-in-Chief of STICKS Magazine) about Rhythmic Village, Germany